The first book came from my grandma. It's cover is worn and stained and it is not much to look at. But inside it holds simple and wonderful daily devotions, as well as prayers for specific topics and audiences. Most importantly, it is a book that my grandma used to read everyday. She received it in 1946 from her Ladies Aid. Grandma had just become engaged to Grandpa and had an emergency appendix operation.
I have been cherishing my daily devotions, feeling close to her as I read them. It's a very prayerful time right now as Grandma needs to sort through her belongings and leave her home. It's hard to see her health fail. Her spirit is so loving and kind to everyone. Love you Lulu!
Our second book is The Beginner's Bible: Timeless Children's Stories. We have a few other Children's Bibles in our home, but some of the stories are not (in my opinion) worded appropriately for my two year old. This Bible is a perfect fit! My kids pick it up many times a day and beg to hear more. What a great buy! I found it on Amazon as a used book. It has writing in the front cover, but it was only a few dollars and well worth it! We will enjoy it for a long time.
And speaking of Bibles, I came across a blog of a great fellow Christian. Visit her site here: Biblical Homemaking.
Oh yes, and another reason I brought up these books is because of today's devotion in Today With God. It talks about listening. The question is raised, "What are you listening for?" What a great question, because you DO hear what you are listening for, both physically in sounds as well as through the soul and hearing God's voice. This was a great reminder today to be aware of what I am listening for in my life.
You could be a hand model, mama green!